Yes, Punk Rock Gives Back is an IRS 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. If goods or services are received, the fair market value of these goods and services is deducted from the donation for tax purposes.
Yes! We are not lawyers or experts but can assist in navigating the process without additional cost. You can do it!
Probably not. Large nonprofits have staff and ongoing support, but many grassroots charities are so busy doing the work they don’t have the time or resources to fundraise. Let’s support them!
Punk Rock Gives Back operates with very low overhead. If we put on a fundraiser for other charities, we retain 10% of the donations to offset the expenses of the event.
The board serves in an advisory role and reviews the operations and financials of the organization to ensure compliance within nonprofit regulations.
Not yet. We are run by volunteers, but we do believe in fair wages and will compensate those that serve once we are in need of staff and have a budget for such.
We use Betterworld as a donation platform. The service is free to Punk Rock Gives Back and they ask for donations to offset this. You can opt out of this fee by clicking on the “?” then on the next screen click “here” at the bottom and then you can adjust or eliminate this fee.
When we do fundraising events, once our costs are covered, we donate a MINIMUM of 10% to a charity of our staff’s choice. Often this is back to the charity we are helping raise funds but may also be directed to an immediate need of another charity.